Things that caught my eye this month
Creative inspiration for the advertising professional | August 2020
Each week, I send a things-that-caught-my-eye email to my creative colleagues. Here are all those things from this past month.
This window swap
The Emmy-nominated show title sequences
This thread about sexism in sports photography
This promo to relieve the stress of pandemic breakups
This agency that’s putting out their own new publication
This new installation from the Museum of Underwater Art
This instagram account
This app that lets you train at home with some of dance’s biggest stars
This fun use of avocado pits from Chipotle
These new snaps from Robin Harper
This behind-the-scenes look at how they shot this 7–11 spot
This is how space smells, apparently
These award winning campaigns from AdAge’s annual small agency awards (and the agencies, too, but it’s the campaigns I was most interested in)
This new “TikTok killer” from Instagram
This agency that does just one thing: shoot products on white backgrounds
This (pretty major) news that Disney is going to release “Mulan” on demand after all (and what it means for the future of the entertainment biz
This new virtual theater concept
This creative studio in NYC (and the recreation of a famous photo)
This appreciation of Lucile Ball
This Coke ad (although, I’m not sure that 2-minute short films should really be called “ads”)
This makes-you-want-to-scream deep dive at how the pandemic defeated America
These 5 lessons that advertising can learn from actors (why, yes, my OWN article caught my eye, thank you very much! 😉)
The return of the “The Far Side” cartoon
This terrific film from Apple that fully utilizes vertical video (also, Apple has a lot of money to make things, don’t they?)
And this reminder that sometimes it takes YEARS for clients to buy a great idea
These 1-star reviews of national parks turned into posters
These 20 Black photographers to follow
This new way to greet one another in the era of Covid
This music video’s use of corporate stock imagery
This sobering reminder that TikTok is probably ahead of us on any production technique that we can think up
These new versions of a famous kiss
This new way to pedal through the redwoods
This small, creative idea using the hashtag emoji
This reminder that no brief is too small to do something interesting
This VFX behind-the-scenes look at how a guy changed himself into balloons
These D&AD typography winners
This reminder that clients get tired of successful campaigns well before the public does
These mini shops for mice
The most popular songs on TikTok in 2020
This Fortnite “1984” parody that’s taking Apple head on
This reminder that if you do good marketing, you can sell your brand for $610 million
And this, a treat for those who this far, Hieronymus Bosch’s “butt music”
These teachers who know how to welcome kids back to school
These, the 10 latest creative trends in the time of coronavirus
These transparent toilets
This Lego World Building promotion (talk about turning your brand over to your fans)
The continued rise of consultancies (and what it means for ad land)
This “brand Twitter” stunt from Wendy’s (Photoshop FTW!)
This Animal Crossing content creator that made an ad for Tommy Hilfiger
These, the best bird photos of 2020
This thread about product photography that actually sells on Facebook
This new brand film from the New York Times (that uses their headlines as poetry)
That influencer marketing is bouncing back as the pandemic rolls on
These “just do nothing” shoes from Nike
This look at why tech is embracing maximalism
The return of “wine holes” (Covid silver lining?!)
These special effects
This BudLight promotion to find a new “Chief Meme Officer”
This “experiential showroom of the future” from Nissan
This campaign from KFC that walks back their famous “finger licking good” tagline
These insects in flight
This Zoom magic show that’s got all sorts of buzz:
This darkly comic campaign about the perils of distraction
This 25-minute (!) ad is from three years ago, but I re-watched it this past week and was reminded how terrific it is
This article about rap (but really about all art) that “ratings” and numbers don’t equal relevance
This look at consumer demands for personalization and how brands are giving it to them
The idea that you think you’ve seen an advertising case study about every idea under the sun and then you see one about…ocean dildoes
This behind-the-scenes look at how that amazing Nike ad was edited
This provocative take (using the above ad as a example) on whether or not marketers are obsessed about the wrong thing
This look at how we’re changing the surface of the earth
This depressing AF but sobering look at whether the “silent majority” on Facebook might just swing the election
This street art
This (also depressing AF!) deep dive on one woman’s experience with Reddit’s toxicity
This 5-minute Powerpoint that this woman put together about herself (IMHO that everybody should have a personal deck about themselves in addition to their resume)
This look at what TikTok is doing to calm employee fears that they might soon work for WalMart
This new Gondry music video
This explanation of why we all feel so exhausted (our surge capacity is depleted)
This web series that we keep adding episodes to each week, whether you want them or not 🤷🏻♂️
This animated short
Previous things that caught my eye: Early 2019 | Late 2019 | Early 2020| June 2020 | July 2020
John Kovacevich is a creative director in San Francisco. He publishes a weekly newsletter with bits of creative inspiration, just like the stuff above. You can see the newsletter here and subscribe if you’d like.
You can read all his musings about the advertising biz here.