Things that caught my eye over the last six months (January to June 2019)
I send a weekly things-that-caught-my-eye email to my colleagues. Here are all those things so far this year.
This podcast/interview with John Krasinski
This ad (and the fun of imagining what the licensing cost and how long it took to get studio approvals)
This ad about a guy who wakes up in a different bed each day
This time lapse film of our planet
This searchable San Francisco map of historical photos
This tweet asking “What does Trump smell like?” (the replies are sort of a masterclass in funny copywriting, IMHO)
This piece that I wrote about one of my favorite marketing campaigns of 2018
This Super Bowl stunt (a one-time Broadway musical instead of an ad)
This shaving commercial about toxic masculinity
This and this and this and this response to the Gillette ad about toxic masculinity
These, the best wedding photos of 2018
This installation of old books
This book, which I just finished and loved
This article about how some production companies are trying to eliminate the need for agencies
This article about what public transportation drivers/workers see on a daily basis
This Q&A about Geico running the best of their old ads
This batch of news and teasers about the upcoming Super Bowl spots
This animator’s Instagram
This ad…for a bank
This article about Generation Alpha (under 10s) that mainly makes me sad
These large-scale drawings of cities
These great live-read ads
This article about an e-commerce platform that just created it’s own TV/entertainment division
The cast recording from the Skittles Broadway musical
This Stella Artois Super Bowl ad (and this and this article SAVAGING said ad)
These colorfully minimalist photos
This article about who is to blame for the crisis in American journalism
This list of food puns from Megan Amram (a wonderful reminder that there are ALWAYS more ways to write a joke)
This knitted seafood
These winners of the best magazine covers of 2018
This video
This all-in-one-spot link to the Super Bowl ads from Sunday
This article about the future of Super Bowl advertising
This article about advertising “in the age of anger” (which foretold how bland the SB advertising would be)
This photography
This UI on this new agency website
This photo essay about how female ranchers are reclaiming the American West
The annual end-of-the-NFL-season bad lip reading
This piece about an artist that is changing the face of black girlhood
This design-a-poster-a-day photo essay
This behind-the-scenes look at SNL cue cards
This article about how Geico became the one advertiser it’s OK to love
This game to test your design eye by choosing the UI that looks most correct
This bit of marketing genius from a zoo
This Instagram account about gorgeous pies
This new charming campaign from Cheerios
This article about W+K, who just keeps producing great work
This new way that we’re going to buy packaged goods
This reminder that we can’t rip shit off, never ever
This disclosure of Twitter’s daily active users
This way of using celebrities that I didn’t hate
This website for pillows
This reminder that creativity can be used for good or it can be used for…whatever this is
This idea from Tide to bring the brand into the real world
This thread on how AOC’s Facebook ads are better than other politico’s FB ads
This article about gender cliches
These people that do not exist
This Instagram account that is worth following (their stories are a cool way of highlighting stories about new trends)
This monologue from Chelsea Peretti at the WGA awards last week (so many good jokes)
This new font with an amazing amount of variability
This abandoned airport terminal that’s now a hotel
These shadow illustrations
This list of the “50 most innovative companies” (which is more a measure of PR muscle than true innovation, but still some interesting insights)
These ads that debuted on the Oscars last night
This video about sizzle reels
This new Apple Watch ad
This crazy story about a town that went silent for a violin
The revelation that KFC got Robocop (!) to be one of their new colonels
These identity design award winners
These hood ornaments
This article about the “We Work of kitchens” in China
This “puffer coat” fashion
This LEWK that won the red carpet at the Oscars last night
This menswear collection
This reminder that brands can’t “cost cut” their way to success
This animation of how global brand rankings have changed over the last 19 years ( though the idea that you can really measure the “value” of a brand is suspect)
This behind-the-scenes on how that Skittles musical thing came together (the work I’m most jealous of so far this year)
This new Nordstrom spot from Droga5
This AMAZING reference site when you need build a presentation or sell anything
These icons for everything
This flat-pack Easter bunny from Ikea
This BLEAK fucking look at the life of a Facebook content moderator
This new campaign for sugary cereal
This “cherry blossom” art installation
This PSA about how we raise boys
This article (I don’t love ad award shows and I think “storytelling” is the most overused word in advertising, but there are lots of great campaigns on this link)
This retailer’s test-and-learn approach to Instagram Stories
This article about how Jim Cummings made and distributed his independent film, “Thunder Road”
The surprising journey our text messages take (which is impossibly dense and I couldn’t understand a lot of it, TBH, but that’s sort of the point)
This crazy sketch-to-photorealistic comp tool
This snack food’s Instagram account
This gaming ad
The real scoop on how much people get paid to make music videos
This Spotify-for-creatives resource called…Spotify for Creatives
This three-dimensional type
The idea that Amazon is the next big influencer platform
These bank ads with Snoop, Afghan hounds and more
The fact that every brand is dropping an album, apparently:
This weird one from our friends at Venables
These minimalist takes on popular brands
This article about what really matters (spoiler: community) that made me re-evaluate my entire life at 2 a.m. when I read it. (Don’t check your phone when you wake up in the middle of the night, y’all. But this is a great piece.)
This Instagram artist (who also does lots of cool Insta filters)
This high school production of “Alien” that the Internet was buzzing about this weekend
These performance-art self portraits
These winners of a 2018 drone photography contest
This new logo from DDB (and the accompanying promo video)
These snapshots of people in their living rooms in the 1960s
These paintings of robots attacking European peasants in the early 1900s
This article about the SIX templates of successful advertising
This 8-bit art installation
This article about the “stupidity of sameness and the value of difference” (the value of creativity proven with charts and graphs!)
These alphabet animations
This classic (which I rewatch every few months) about how the “storytelling” trope is one of marketing’s biggest loads o’ horseshit
These people animated into bizarre GIFs
This infinite zoom
This project where they made the poster first and the film second
These quotes; GenZ in their own words
This piece on what the music we listen to at work does to our brains
These 17 projects to celebrate the Game of Thrones finale
These embroidery tattoos
These stock photos that go beyond binary gender roles
This un-zipped building
These blurry billboards
This stop motion film for Corona beer
The annual “name of the year” bracket
This Dwayne Wade spot that so many people shared over the last week (I’m a cynical bastard and I find this type of manufactured emotion to be super manipulative and I generally hate it in advertising…but it IS effective, so maybe I’m wrong.)
This blog post about creative conformity
This design-toolkit for one of the presidential candidates
These cross-stitched everyday objects
This year’s Pulitzer winners
This unpacking of the art of film editing
This blog post about how ad people shouldn’t copy filmmakers
This daily logo design challenge
This ad (when your client says “keep our product center frame throughout the spot” and you find a way to make that visually interesting, not horrible)
This example of MickeyD using their iconic product line in an interesting way
This camera ad (really a short film) about photojournalism
These architectural illustrations
This short film that tells its story through fake ads
The annual list of “A-list” agencies in AdAge’s 2019 ranking
This nifty little creative quiz
This blog post about camouflage (and why we need to avoid it)
This billboard that WANTS your dog to pee on it
This calculation about when the dead will outrank the living on Facebook
These visual hierarchy principles
This look at kung fu…from space
These gems from Obvious Plant
These trends in package design
This campaign from Burger King that uses x-rays of its customers (victims?)
This reminder that Twitter is not real life
This look at Giant Spoon, Adweek’s experiential agency of the year
This French design blog
These “products” designed for babies addicted to opioids
This Instagram account
This article about how Avengers became the biggest movie franchise by acting like a TV show
These tiny billboards
This string art installation
These new Amazon ads
This story about how Amazon created Amazon Prime and profoundly changed online shopping
This gallery of outfits from the Met Gala
This “leak” of the full Detective Pikachu movie online
This ad blog (with links to other ad blogs) that talks about how even prolific ad bloggers need a kick in the head for inspiration
This article about how conference room air is making us dumb
These “real meals” from Burger King because nobody is happy all the time
This dumb AirBNB stunt
This new Google spot (that would be better as a :30 rather than a :90, but still has charming real moments)
These 30 logos
This thing I wrote with some friends about a “show” we made at GS&P a decade ago
These One Show winners
This scavenger hunt
This motion/animation collaboration
These top 10 print ads from the last few years
This app that claims to enhance mood and mindfulness
This Kitchen Aid billboard that changes color
This report from the Venice Biennale
This bookstore
This piece on the 134 new print magazines that have launched since 2017
This cotton candy cloud that rains sugar into your coffee
This “taste test” product demo that shows that even taste test product demos can be executed with a little style
This ad for the German women’s World Cup team that addresses gender inequality in sports
These Hong Kong Ballet ads
This story about the social manager who filled a jar with her piss and didn’t get fired
These time-lapse compositions
This Lacoste ad and this behind-the-scenes video of the Lacoste ad
This article about how to write social media captions that get more likes and shares
This Kia car ad from India
This dude’s illustrated movie maps
This video shot from a sushi conveyer belt
This celebration of diarrhea, er, Taco Bell (a Taco Bell hotel!)
This article about a recent tone-deaf Chase tweet and why hypocrisy is a bad look for brands
The Effies “5 for 50” shortlist
These KFC print ads (which have been around for awhile and I’ve probably shared before, but they’re still great)
This look back at Apple advertising
This stunt (I sort of hate stunts like this — putting garbage out to garner a reaction and then saying the reaction was the point feels deeply cynical to me. BUT, it’s a highly successful ad/experiential trope these days, so I’m probably a dinosaur.)
This terrific book on creativity that I’m reading right now
This Pride type font
This new Nike ad
These black pencil winners
These frightening-when-you-think-about-it animations done by artificial intelligence
This cool aesthetic YouTube channel for up and coming musicians
This when-the-government-fails-to-uphold-its-promises-you-take-measures-into-your-own-hands 3D stamp
This blog post about ad-land conferences
This article on user-friendly design
This blog of drawings of little everyday things that people notice
This break-your-own-news generator
These stop-motion animations
This rat-infested bar that’s coming to San Francisco!
These plastic bags to shame customers
This new tool from Ideo to help foster innovation
These logo and branding trends
This art installation that’s also an experiential “ad”
These charming tea bags
This recap of Snapchat’s new pitch to advertisers
This reminder that corporate expressions of support are meaningless unless they actually walk the walk
This example of “walking the walk” from MasterCard
This article about the challenges of targeting Millennial consumers (spoiler: they’re broke)
These five takeaways from Mary Meeker’s annual Internet trends report:
This reminder that a Cannes lion doesn’t mean that your ad actually worked
These stackable beer cans
This (long but terrific) article about the creative process and how we navigate feedback on the way to great work
These Cannes Lions Grand Prix winners
This gloriously cynical (and truthful?) riff on Cannes Lions
This pride month sign from MasterCard
This article about Facebook’s new (ripped off?) logo for its crypto currency
This piece about how maybe we should make our work look…ugly
This animation showing how the most popular social media networks have changed over time
This article about how the world’s largest advertiser (P&G) is looking beyond advertising
This article about Esports
This and this and this article, all of which illustrate the hugeness of brand partnerships these days
These spliced fruits
This choose-your-own-adventure Twitter thread (about Beyonce!)
This music video’s use of motion capture and animation
This focus-group sketch
This new Apple ad (which feels like a riff on this dance performance from a few years ago, but still cool)
This guy who vandalized nature to create an Instagram worthy pic (eye roll)
This it-can’t-be-real ad (and the story behind it)
This article about vaginas deserving great advertising too
This horseshit
This commercial/stunt that was shot on a bunch of phones
This zig-while-everybody-zags-toward-a-meatless-future move from Arby’s — carrots made out of meat
This pun-tastic Christmas-in-July campaign for America’s favorite fish fast food
This follow up to P&G’s “The Talk” called “The Look” that illustrates unconscious bias
This opinion piece in AdAge that is kicking up a lot strong reactions, pro and con
This new Firefox add-on designed to fool advertisers
This advice from a 103-year old runner
John Kovacevich is a creative director in San Francisco. He publishes a weekly newsletter with bits of creative inspiration, just like the stuff above. You can see the newsletter here and subscribe if you’d like.
You can read all his musings about the advertising biz here.