6 reasons I’m voting FOR Kamala Harris

And six reasons I’m voting AGAINST Donald Trump

John Kovacevich


Here are the six reasons I’m voting FOR Kamala Harris for President:

1. Economic Plan — “23 Nobel Prize-winning economists call Harris’ economic plan ‘vastly superior’ to Trump’s.” That’s a pretty clear headline, right?

I’m not sure why people think Republicans are better for the economy. Trump exploded the deficit, Biden brought it down. Trump’s policies on tariffs, taxes, and immigration will drive costs up for the average family, not down. Harris is the smarter choice.

2. The Courts — Multiple stolen Supreme Court seats by the GOP have tilted the court to the right for a generation. And Trump appointed almost as many appeals court judges in four years as Obama did in eight. A Harris vote is a vote for much-needed balance in the judiciary.

Whether you’re pro-choice or not, we should all be very, very worried about a judiciary that can interfere with the personal, private decisions you can make with your doctor. I’m for judges that understand the idea of bodily autonomy; Harris will appoint them.

That is…if she can. Because even if she wins, GOP control of the legislative branch will make it difficult for her to shape the judiciary. But the alternative is a court that tilts even further right.

3. Foreign Policy — Yes, what’s happening in the Middle East is a shit-show. There are no angels in either party and the horrors cannot be ignored. But the choice we’re faced with is alliances or isolationism. Harris understands America’s role in the world and that we must honor commitments to our allies. Also, she’s not sucking up to Putin; that’s a good thing. National security experts agree, too: she’s a better choice.

4. Healthcare — If you don’t think healthcare in America is broken, you’re probably so wealthy you can self-fund your care. I’m sick to death of people needing a GoFundMe every time somebody gets seriously ill. A Trump presidency will make the situation worse, rolling back the basic protections of the Affordable Care Act. Harris will strengthen them.

And her “Medicare at Home” plan would revolutionize care in America, providing much needed support for our aging seniors and the looming crisis of end-of-life care.

5. Better Team — Gov’t isn’t run by one person and the Democrats’ bench is better. In Trump 1.0, there were a few rational Republicans in the cabinet. Many who worked directly with him no longer support the guy (several are sounding the alarm bells.) If he wins, we’re getting the zealots and the wingnuts, not the A-Team. By contrast, look at the Harris surrogates on the campaign trail — her administration will attract the next generation of talented leaders.

6. Character — I like her. I trust her. I don’t agree with her on every issue, but I think her heart is in the right place and her intentions are good. Most importantly, when faced with the tough decisions, I think she’s try and do what’s best for the American people. I think the other guy will always do what’s best for him.

Six reasons I’m voting AGAINST Donald Trump:

1. He’s Compromised — If you thought Biden was too old and addled, have you watched Trump? The man is a mess. He’s not as sharp and with it as we need in a President. He was never the sharpest tool in the shed, but his diminished mental capacity should be a concern to everybody.

Beyond that, he might be the most easily manipulated man on the planet. His admiration for dictators and strongmen make him a sucker for their overtures. But he’s also easily bought — with flattery, favors, or finances. He’s a weak leader who can’t stand up for the interests of the American people.

2. Healthcare — If he does what he says and dismantles the Affordable Care Act, a lot of people will be unable to get healthcare. Also, his conspiracy theories and aversion to scientific fact made the Covid epidemic worse. Over a million Americans died, in large part because of his failed leadership during the pandemic. When the next health crisis hits, I don’t want that dude in charge.

3. Retribution — He’s threatened to use the power of the office to seek revenge and retribution against his enemies. That’s scary dictator stuff, y’all. The fact that those promises are not disqualifying is horrifying.

Maybe you don’t like his “enemies” and would be happy to see them punished. But using the power of the presidency to target individuals and/or groups to settle scores is a dangerous precedent. And who’s to say that you or somebody you love won’t end up on the “enemy” list at some point in the future?

4. Character — Donald Trump is a garbage monster of a human being. A cruel, humorless, vindictive, liar. Even a lot of his supporters say, “I don’t like him personally, but I like his policies.” But here’s the thing — the presidency is and should be about character. You can’t separate the personal and the politics when you’re the leader of the free world. Letting this man represent us is an abomination that should be fully rejected.

5. We Need a Decent Republican Party — Trumpism and MAGA fanaticism has corrupted the GOP and rendered it unsuitable for national leadership. Maybe it’s naive optimism, but one hopes that if Trump is defeated, the GOP can move beyond the cult of personality and become a functional party again. The Democrats are not perfect; a strong, sane Republican party would be good for the country.

6. His First Presidency Was a Disaster — We seem to have forgotten just how bad Trump 1.0 was. Do you really want to go back to that chaos?!

Here are the 12 Reasons He Had To Be Defeated in 2020. They all still apply.

Whatever Kamala Harris is or isn’t, she’s a better choice than Trump in every important way. Please vote for her next week.


John Kovacevich lives in San Francisco and is on edge about the 2024 election.



John Kovacevich
John Kovacevich

Written by John Kovacevich

husband, father, writer, ad man, occasional actor

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